Want to Volunteer?
The operation of the Petawawa Pantry Food Bank is made possible by our amazing volunteers; by the community, for the community! If you're interested in becoming a member of our team, please stop by during our open hours of operation. We will need to get to know you, and will require some information about you in order to do so.
Volunteer positions include opportunities such as:
organizing food and stocking shelves (open hours and off-hours)
assisting clients with food collection (open hours)
regular pick-up of donated food in Petawawa
dividing food into portion sizes (off-hours, irregular)
fundraising events, manning booths/tables
and more!

Application Process
-Step One:
Come by the Petawawa Pantry during open hours and fill out a volunteer form. This form will provide your contact information to the Pantry Volunteer Manager, who will call you.
-Step Two:
You will be required to complete additional forms including a non-disclosure agreement and media release waiver. Also, a Vulnerable Sector Check by the OPP or MP is required for all volunteers, regardless of the work you will be doing.
For more information about the OPP Vulnerable Sector Check, please visit the website below.
If you have a Garrison Petawawa home address, the Vulnerable Sector Check will be obtained from the Garrison Petawawa Police.
-Step Three:
When your forms and Vulnerable Sector Check are completed, return them during open hours to the Pantry. The Volunteer Manager will schedule your training.