Food Donations
The Petawawa Pantry accepts food items, new personal care products, baby food and diapers.
Please consider healthy food items that are low-salt and low-sugar. Home baking or home-canned foods, ungraded meats or ungraded eggs cannot be accepted.
** Please ensure donated foods have acceptable Best Before dates, and are unopened.
For non-perishables, Community Drop Boxes are located at:
Hyska's Your Independent Grocer (on window ledge by Customer Service)
Silver Threads Seniors Club (1163 Victoria St., Petawawa. Open weekday mornings)
Petawawa Civic Center (in hall by the Recreation Office).
Perishables and non-perishables can also be dropped off at the Petawawa Pantry on Tues (12:30 - 1 pm) or Thurs (5:30 - 6 pm) or during open hours (Tues 1-4 pm and Thurs 6-8 pm).
What Can I Donate?
Currently we are in need of the following items:
Perishable foods (must be dropped off at Pantry)
apples, oranges, carrots, potatoes, fresh produce, cheese, yogurt
Frozen foods (must be dropped off at Pantry)
frozen vegetables, frozen juices, hamburger
Non-perishable foods (can be dropped off at Pantry, or put in community drop-boxes)
cereal, pasta, rice, soup (small and large cans), canned vegetables, canned fruit, applesauce, tuna/salmon, baked beans, canned tomatoes.
** NOTE: Foods NOT needed at this time: chickpeas, lentils, kidney beans, dried lentils, dried beans, Kraft Dinner
Personal items (can be dropped off at Pantry, or put in community drop-boxes)
men's/women's deodorant, feminine hygiene products, shampoo, conditioner.
Baby items (can be dropped off at Pantry, or put in community drop-boxes)
disposable diapers (any size), baby wipes, baby formula and foods.